Getting Balanced Before Baby

an adventure in personal reflection and change

End of Week 2! Weigh In!

This second week as been much “easier” in terms of my hunger level being considerably less. I don’t think about when I get to eat next all day any more. Right now the hurdle I’m contending with is the cravings, and feeling “left out” when we go out to eat. I’m trying to get creative when it comes to eating out. Last week I went to a restaurant and got a burger “protein style” with lettuce as the bun rather than bread. It was Deeeelicious! Especially since I was SO BURT OUT ON SALADS!

I am excited to say though, this is the most weight I’ve lost on any program I’ve tried (Weight Watchers, P90X, ect) in such a short period of time. I’m very optimistic and encouraged to stay on plan.

So, without further delay (drum roll please……)

I’ve LOST a total of 9.5 pounds!

Week 1 = -7lbs
Week 2 = -2.5lbs

Bringing me to 171.5 lbs, about 15 more to go!

This next week I’m going to start engaging in some “moderate exercise” to prevent plateau and to facilitate weight loss. It’s a delicate balance because I’m consuming 900-1000 cals a day, if you exercise too much the body goes into “starvation mode” and holds on to fat instead of burning it.

Hopefully by end of Week 3 I can update on how that addition to my program is going.

TO ALL OF YOU WHO ARE ON A SIMILAR ADVENTURE: Good luck, keep taking it day by day. If you have a weak moment don’t beat yourself up, but don’t give yourself to fall off the weight loss wagon either 🙂

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